
“Scríobh” is Irish (Gaelic) meaning “to write”. As a native of Ireland, I wanted to pick a name for my business that reflects my native tongue, as it showcases the unique perspective it brings to my work.

With over ten years experience working as a writer, editor, proofreader, and researcher, for both digital and print media, I have written, proofread, and edited everything from; high value tender documentation and grant proposals, to newsletters, handbooks, case studies, interviews, training materials, websites, and articles appearing in linguistic journals. I worked as a Project Associate at NGO ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, and have over four years experience working as an administrative assistant in financial and international settings such as the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, and at EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company) - now Airbus.

Originally from Ireland, I lived in Germany for ten years before moving to Austin, TX where I am now based. I am very passionate about sustainability, foreign languages, and culture. I have an M.A. in European Linguistics, B.A. in Languages & Cultural Studies, and Certificates in Grant Writing, Nonprofit Management. Public Procurement and Sustainable Food & Farming. I am fluent in German, Spanish, and French.

I have volunteered as a member of the Post-Consumption & Waste Issue Area Group for the Austin/Travis County Food Planning Process, and the group Ladies Let’s Talk.

Further information about my past work experience and projects is available here.