Editorial Work

A glimpse of academic publications I have edited.

While completing my graduate degree I worked as an academic editor for Prof. Dr. Rolf Kailuweit, and Prof. Dr. Goez Kaufmann, at Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, Germany.

Dr. Goez Kaufmann

Standard convergence and divergence in Mennonite Low German

Dr. Rolf Kailuweit

TangoMedia or the limits of Globalization Tango in between Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Paris

“TangoMedia or the limits of Globalization. Tango in between Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Paris”, in: MusikTheorie – Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 24. Jahrgang, Heft 4, 341–348.

Romance Anticausatives: A Constructionist RRG Approach” (195 KB), in: Nakamura, Wataru (ed.): New Perspectives in Role and Reference Grammar. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 104–133.

Postmodern Nomadism and the Beginnings of a Global Village”, in: Flusser Studies 07, 18 S.