Sustainability Publications
A glimpse at some of the sustainable & innovation procurement publications I have worked on.
Sustainable Public Procurement of School Catering Services
Based on an exploration of common issues faced by schools, this report identified innovative approaches used by European cities to procure more environmentally and socially sustainable catering services. By highlighting best practice cases, the report provided ideas, inspiration and further resources for those involved in the procurement of food and catering services for schools. Available here.
GPP (Green Public Procurement) Newsalert
During 2014 & 2015 I collaborated on the monthly publication of the GPP Newsalert on behalf of DG Environment at the European Commission. This work was carried out while working at ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability as part of a contract with the European Commission. The Newsalerts I contributed to during this time are available here.
Success stories in socially responsible public procurement
I edited this report - which was written by a team of people - from a technical and stylistic point of view. Published as part of the European Commission funded Landmark project, the report highlights examples of public authorities using tools such as; market engagement, self commissioned auditing, code of conduct development, and resource pooling to achieve more significant results across multiple local authorities. Available here.